Priests have MORE POWER than God Himself. It is being made by a Satanist who has no interest in the truth. Evidently, Satanmade it clear that it was he who was the liar, not God. Job: Sensor of Jewish Talmud Adam and Eve chose to follow Satan. What is the hidden name of God? - We are connected to everything and so what we create goes to what is in place by the powers that be. Shalawam Ahch/Ahchwath, Please be advise that I've been getting emails stating that I invited people to join my Facebook account with the name Ahayah Yashiya. you use JEH AND THEN Hovah thats like saying JEHHOVAH when biblically written it only has one H ?? If Adam did, what would happen? Nor is it questioned in Jeremiah 10:23., A few areas of information on who Jehovah REALLY is: When dissected in the Hebrew, the true definition of Jehovah (Yah-Hovah) is revealed. 1. If that were the case, surely all their children would have been brought up to be Satan Worshippers. Satan is very clever and what better way to mislead 7,000,000 loyal people that follow Gods words as close to what should be under a false Gods name. Through a simple smokescreen, many self professed Christians are blaspheming in an effort to prove a religion wrong, as some sort of dirt theyve uncovered. ("I cried out"), occurs most often in the Psalms and Job, and most often describes one crying out to Jehovah. They wont tell you what is right or wrong or lecture you (as most people think they will), they only give you their opinions and beliefs and reasons. Culprits Turn God into evil (The Loaf of Bread Illustration). It should also be noted that there is a Guyanese woman who demands that Jehovah means god of ruin. Spelling it with all small capital letters distinguishes it from other times 'Lord' is used. 12. Those verses dont support such a statement. (a) How did Satan contradict God? Their purpose was to hide the history of the real Hebrews, so that they may be the chosen people. Jeremiah 10:23. It is two separate word that combine to form the name Jehovah. They began making their own decisions as to what was good or bad, Just as man was created with the need to eat food and drink water, he was also created with the need for Gods guidance, You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. God Moses means "saves by water". We must reason, and search our hearts as well. Article Images Copyright . FOR IN JESUS DWELLETH THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD! The scripture described wickedness, "They (wicked people) Slay the widow and the stranger and murder the fatherless. If man ignores Gods laws, he will come into difficulty, just as surely as he would suffer if he ignored his bodys need for food and water.Proverbs 3:5,6. feeling first manifestation second. You do not want to obey a Devil do you? Like it is our Last - by scottaphillips You might see the Masoretic text referred to in footnotes as MT or M-text. Again, anyone can make this claim, but what is lacking is evidence. 10 Reasons Why the Trial of Jesus Was Illegal, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The WatchtowerquotesJeremiah 10:23. How far away from The Holy Spirit do you have to be to call Him by 2 different names? I was studying with Jehovah Witnesses and I believe the Holy Spirit told me loudly and distinctly >> Jehovah is a bad angel! After the Exodus, Moses wrote theORIGINAL NON-CORRUPTED SCRIPTURES in Paleo-Hebrew/Greek in 1446 BC, ( ) did not appear in them. As the ark tossed to and fro on the surface of the boundless waters, its occupants, Noah and his family, had time to ponder the fact that Gods announced purposes are always carried out. They could have told Satan to go away, just as the perfect man Jesus later did. Why Hebrew Israelites MUST NOT Follow jeWISH Traditions? The sacred Record tells that Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. And what was Gods determination? The Sons of God | AGF Brakpan Jehovah is translated as The Existing One or Lord. The meaning of Jehovah comes from the Hebrew word, Havah meaning, to be or to exist. It may also be to become or specifically to become known. Why Has God Permitted Wickedness? Now the word visit could mean a quite a few different things from the ancient Hebrew language yet the newer versions of the Bible chose to use the word punish - why is that. They were deceived by the Devil. A native New Englander, Heather is settling into her home in the South, trying out local foods and watching for the alligators that live nearby! Why God Decreed Extermination for the Canaanites Besides, the author I read who made this claim gave absolutely no evidence that the etymology of the word Satan has any relationship with ancient Sanskrit. Jehovah Nissi means "The Lord Is My Banner." This name for God appears in Exodus 17:15the only place it occurs in the Bible. Not according to Genesis 3:13 where it reads: Jehovah God then said to the woman: What is this you have done? The woman replied: The serpent deceived me, so I ate.. She calls herself a Hebrew, and believes Jesus Christ is Baal. Isaiah foretells a time when Israel will break into a song of exaltation for God's protection over the nation, and is clearly anticipating that occasion. Copyright 2022 Evidence for Christianity. I believe you should read these articles. If you are obeying Jehovah, then you will hear lots of true stuff. And in most cases they do even today. This group was called the Masoretes, and they existed for a few centuries as scribes. Around the 3rd century BC, out of their reverence for the command "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" (Exodus 20:7), Jewish tradition held that the word YHWY was sacred. "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them. The name has already been translated. | Jehovah is one of the ways of saying YHWY, the true, personal name of God. They take to this by watching others lay out the word Jehovah like a loaf of bread, and slicing it up into parts. 7:17-24. And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. Cannibal Ate 23 Pizza Delivery Men, 6 Jehovah Witnesses, 2 Postmen in Past 7 Years USA: Houston police have arrested a man believed to be behind the disappearance of no less than 31 persons this past decade. Man is incapable of governing himself without God. It combines Jehovah (Yahweh)the most frequently used name for Godwith the Hebrew word, for a "banner" or a "flag." In most English translations of the Bible this verse reads: YHWY is what is called the Tetragrammaton by the Greeks, or "four letters." You are trying to base your argument across the pronunciation of a word in different languages. What Does Jehovah Mean? A Biblical Study On The Word Jehovah These excerpts from the King James translation give some glimpses into how God stays near and active on our behalf. People on the highest mountains could hear the cries and shrieks of trapped multitudes as the lower heights became engulfed by swirling waters. "Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us.". Thus Jesus authoritatively warned that the prophetic pattern is certain to be carried through to a destructive conclusion for the wicked. This theory is based on Rev 1:4-5 and Rev 1:8 (note in these scriptures that God: is, was, and is to come). With the letter iot/jot if you have a consonant after the letter iot/jot the name has the letter I sound. BACK IN GENESIS IT SAYS, ABRAHAM NAMED THE PLACE ISAAC WAS TO BE SACRIFICED, JEHOVAHJIREH; HOW IS IT IN EXODUS, THE MOST HIGH SAYS MY NAME WAS I NOT KNOWN TO THEM (ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB). About the name Jehovah meaning evil God in Hebrew. His promises, too, point to such decisive action, and it is impossible for him to lie. Jehovah in American English (dhouv) noun 1. a name of God in the Old Testament, a rendering of the ineffable name, JHVH, in the Hebrew Scriptures 2. Jesus is named aftet g -Zeus the one who married his mother and had children with her. 6:18) His dealings with wicked men of the past and his deliverance of the righteous point to the pattern he will follow in our day. Hebrew: Yehowshaphat But I believe you have done your research wrong and have been misled, which occurs often in the world we live in now. Charles Taze Russell | American religious leader | Britannica Adam and Eve chose to follow Satan; so they likewise rejected Jehovahs sovereignty and, in effect, asserted that man can decide for himself what is good and what is bad. What we first notice in the Psalm is an announcement of victory. JEREMIAH 2:19 KJV "Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy Amen. In the new testament Jesus. To follow Satan is to be a Satan worshipper. YHVH and Baal both represent the god of sexual perversion and wickedness, Satan. Has it brought a grand new system for the blessing of humankind? Just as God created man with the need to eat food and drink water, so man was made with the need to obey Gods laws. Or as the Worldwide English Bible words this verse: We know that we belong to God and the whole world belongs to the devil. (Exodus 6:3 KJV). Maybe look into your history on this religion before standing up for them. The "Revelation" was of a Jesus coming back in Apocalyptic fury. . 14. People who endure this system will be rewarded with 10 times what they lose and everlasting life. So I beseech you to study to show thyself approved.I started researching because I was reading the book of Psalms and I normally use my favorite bible but I had left it in the car, so I used a random I had lying around the house, not knowing it was an authorized King James. The devils trickery, mockery and disrespect are mind blowing. If one does not recognize the difference between there and theyre, and repeatedly capitalizes the word history, then credibility is that of a novice, at best. Jehovah definition: Jehovah is the name given to God in the Old Testament . 9 Now that time has passed, what has been the result? All rights reserved. But this is not the question. The shocking depths of their depravity reached Jehovahs ears like a loud cry of complaint. The angels sent to rescue Lot and his family delivered the urgent message: Get up! Amazingly, in the same Bible, you find out The Creators truth about the world we live in. I did my studies and I do know that Jehovah is Satan. That drowning of a wicked race has lived in the traditions of almost all tribes and nations to this day. Or is Gods guidance needed in order to set up a righteous government that will bring lasting peace to the earth? Period. 8:11) By their attitude, too, they betray a failure to consider the many positive warnings of Gods purpose to act. Neither verses inDaniel or Jeremiahsupport the idea that man is incapable of governing himself. Not only our creators name has been altered so has our messiahs. We hear preachers use it in sermons, and we sing it during hymns and songs: "Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land. The Psalmist Asking God to Annihilate His Enemies, While Seeking to 25:41) Annihilation, represented by everlasting fire, is the destiny of the beginner and leader in all wickedness, for the apostle John so describes the action in the prophetic vision given him by God: The Devil who was misleading [men] was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur.Rev. Consider, for example, the conditions that developed in the days of Noah. These all share the same meaning of the name and yet your argument falls completely flat since these forms do not use the pronunciation of hovah at all. Angel sons of God forsook their proper places in heaven, materialized as men and mated with the beautiful daughters of men to produce a hybrid race of giants or bullies. To a greater or lesser degree, we all have to cope with the hardships and uncertainties of the times. 34 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Hew for thyself two tables of stone like the first, and I have written on the tables the words which were on the first tables which thou hast bro 2:1-3. Or has the record of history shown that the prophet Jeremiahs words are correct: It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step?Jeremiah 10:23. So ultimately, all wickedness is described in the Old . The Tetragrammaton is considered one of the seven names of God in Judaism and the personal name of God in Christianity.. I AM THE ALPHA & THE OMEGA, says the Lord God, THE ALMIGHTY GOD. JESUS THE FATHER & CREATOR GOD. I know lots about Satan the Devil. The hidden name of God is believed to be revealed in the Kabbalistic text of the Zohar, however it has remained largely unknown throughout history. - YouTube 0:00 / 59:17 Jehovah Means Father Of All Evil , Christians Should Stop. The TRUTH About Christianity (Christians). Hebrew language rules must be taken into consideration to properly translate certain words or names. That Jehovah and his appointed Executioner, Christ Jesus, will also strike directly at the root of all wickedness is made certain by the words of Jesus in his illustration about the symbolic sheep and goats: Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, Be on your way from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. (Matt. Suff. The ABOVE links are solely mine and not affiliated with anyone else or camps. The name of the golden calf Aaron made for the people to worship while Moshi was on the mountain with the Most High was YHWH.Jehovah is NOT His name and is listed as one of the names under Satanic rituals. text does insert vowels for adonay and Jewish students and scholars read adonay whenever they see the Tetragrammaton. (b)How might much of the suffering on earth be prevented? Psalm 4-5. He asked the Lord if there were 50 righteous, would the Lord spare it; He said yes. Hosea 13:16 (God threatens to rip open pregnant women & smash babies) In the 13th century, the earliest Latin form of this word was introduced, which in English became "Jehovah.". He is present with us even when we sin. So the important issue or question raised was: Does God have the right to be the absolute ruler of humankind? This is an entirely false claim. To the meek ones, for example, he gives this strong assurance: "Do not show yourself heated up because of the evildoers. You positively will not die, Satan said. Website powered & protected by Jehovah's holy spirit. The resulting wickedness is due, in part, to Satans continued influence and has gradually revealed a great truth: Man is incapable of governing himself without God.Jeremiah 10:23. Jesus Is Jehovah (YHWH) | Religious Studies Center Yehovah/Jehovah did not appear in any Bible until the first Old English William Tyndale 1537 Bible. I do feel for the witnesses that have been mislead but narrow is way that leads to life and few will find it. His answers may even exceed what they might expect or hope for. It reads: I well know, O Jehovah, that mans way does not belong to him.It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. Please read my detail research on the names and kindly do your own research for further studies. 61:8) Would this God of righteousness forever endure what he hates? I understand how you feel. Likewise the experience of Sodom and her sister cities is no mere historical incident unrelated to people living on earth today. "Let them know that you, whose name is the LORDthat you alone are the Most High over all the earth." American Holocaust (The conquest of the New World), The Family of Trillionaires and the Rothschild Conspiracy (Full Documentary), Weather Warfare Documentary History Channel HAARP, Bionics, Transhumanism, and the end of Evolution (Full Documentary), Our Search for Real Discoveries Around The Dead Sea Part 1, Ahayah Yashiya: The Origin and History of the SECRET RAPTURE DOCTRINE, The HIJACKED of Christ and Mary Virgin Birth Deception Semiramis and Tammuz, Salvation To The Gentiles According To The Bible, The Truth Behind The Sons of God Nephilim, When and How to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy According to the Bible, MUST WATCH! beware of false prophets in sheep skins . 2, p. 5). 1942, HAVVAH, which is translated calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness.. Jewah and Jehouah were also written forms adapted and accepted through the ages. My sister once spent a summer in Turkey. And they were successful, as they were chosen. They may say: If there is a God, why does he permit all these terrible things to happen?. Now we live with great expectation, of the RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH, (1 Peter 1:3), (Revelation 4:1). you cannot have without that is not within. These examples of Gods pattern of action in dealing with wickedness surely constitute object lessons to be read and understood by all who have lived since. There is nothing loving about him. Is he the One to say what is right conduct and what is not? This suggests that usages of the name were already adapted to in the times prior to Raymundus Martini. What good is it for men to build homes equipped with all kinds of modern conveniences when the families who live in them are torn apart by troubles? Jehovah is a latinized pronunciation of the Hebrew name for God, most likely pronounced Yahweh, Yehwah or Yehowah in Hebrew. This world is in the lake of fire, our universe. I tried hard to fight this and have come to realize exactly what it is now and why my life was one conflict accusation fight after another. Giving them His true name was an act of intimacy that invited mankind to know Him. Yet, is it right to reach that conclusion? WHY Hebrew Isarelites CONVERTED To Islam? I encourage you to actually compare the tetragrammaton to modern English using any available language chart. The oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew Old Testament do not show vowels, but rather show, YHWH. One thinks theyre stating irrefutable fact, and begins telling the world, Jehovah is evil Jehovah is Satan. If your research wasnt done from there, then God have mercy on you. IN 2020 ALL OF THE WORLD WAS IN QUARANTINE so how could you even claim these expenses when all they did was write letters at each persons own expense just like their ministry is. Yahweh | YHWH, Adonai, Elohim, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica No. Can humans, under the invisible direction of Satan, rule successfully without Jehovahs direction? 50:21) The long-suffering of God, intended to give full opportunity to evildoers to repent, has been misconstrued by some and they have lulled themselves into a dangerous complacency. In verse 4 the psalmist goes on to say, "Behold, God is my help;/The Lord is among those who sustain my soul." Those who sustained the psalmist's soul, helping God to save David, must have been Jews. When dissected in the Hebrew, the true definition of Jehovah (Yah-Hovah) is revealed. They were not so weak that they could not have resisted when the Devil tempted them. All such questions were raised in this attack on Gods sovereignty, on his right to be the only and absolute ruler of humankind. Well, that is an easy question. This statement is the first statement the Watchtower has made that has some truth. "Yah" (#H3050) means "god". They went to destruction. The spelling . What helps us to understand that a loving God would temporarily permit wickedness? ***WAKE UP CHRISTIANS***NO MORE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS*** You CANNOT make the decision not to read this because of its length. JESE/JEUE. The sins of the fathers are punished in the children through becoming the sins of the children. A cookie is a small piece of data that is stored on your computer or mobile device browser. Acts 4:10,12; YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME OR BESIDES ME! It is the "revelation of Jesus Christ" meaning Johns vision was showing an aspect of Jesus his disciples and the world had never seen- His justice and wrath. But there is no scriptural basis for this hypothesis. Our savior would never have suggested such. Sorry, there was an error loading the video. Im yuong. The suffix HOVAH is No. They had refused to reform. Jesus was an ADAMIC ISRAELITE. Please punch my link for more hidden knowledge about YAHWEY the negro moon god, and THE ALPHA & THE OMEGA JESUS! Those who claim differently are simply making weak or completely bogus arguments. Mountains were transformed into islands as the rising waters separated families. In this passage, Isaiah lifts up praise to the Lord for forgiving His people when they repent, and for restoring their relationship to Him. GOD WARNS AGAINST WICKEDNESS - Psalm - Biblearena 7. They believe the rider on the white horse is the messiah in Revelation but it is the god of worship whom is not a good God. Meaning how did you get ho-vah from one syllable WH? This makes sense. Duties: Remove all passages that Catholics found unacceptable. Jehovah is salvation, English: Jehoshaphat So thats why I will need to report this to you so that you will understand the truth of Jehovah. YAHWEY TAROT CARDS Jehovah - Wikipedia We hear preachers use it in sermons,. names in -iah, -jah.. The Encyclopedia Britannica 11th Ed Vol 15, page 321 says Yahweh is not a Paleo-Hebrew/Greek name. Whose way of ruling is best? The True name of the Creator/God/Heavenly Father/The Most High. After the fall of Biblical Israel, their texts remained behind, while they were exiled and taken captive. To them, there is no God. But there is the promise of so many more blessings. If a snake came up to you and talked right now and promised you a million dollars, would you believe it? Most Biblical scholars believe that it was probably pronounced as "Yah-weh." (Romans 13:9; Ephesians 5:3,18) God made Adam and Eve with a marvelous brain and body and with the ability to enjoy life to the full. JESUS THE FATHER, JESUS THE CHRIST/SON, JESUS THE HOLY SPIRIT. Heathers passion is to equip and encourage believers to seek more of Gods truth and to experience more of His joy each day. The answer is yes. Meaning of Ephesians 3:20. The strangers here are Gentiles. Jehovah TsidkenuThe Lord Is Our Righteousness. Even the Gnostics never said that this name means evil God, because it does not mean this. But the essence is the same. His name is Ahayah and His Sons name is Yashiya. H962 hayah hah-yaw another form for 1943; ruin:calamity. (Mark:12:29). Moses is transformed by this experience at the burning bush. Are there those today who ridicule the idea that God will bring a complete end to wickedness and deliver the righteous, who treat any thought of an impending destructive judgment as a great joke? Satan did say that God knew Eve would know the difference between Good and Bad when she ate of it, which was a truthful statement. Please disregard any ads that are not to your preferences. Thank you. The early Masorites translated the ancient Hebrew text into the Masoretic text, including adding vowels to Hebrew letters. God uses anguish, not to demolish us but to make us widen. 3 It was Satan the Devil who started wickedness on earth. I started looking up everything and it lead to me RUNNING from the church I had been in my whole life. Psalm 4-3. Doesnt reincarnation make perfect sense here? During JESUSS ministry on the earth, there were 10+ alphabets that had and used the letter J before the Greek! In 1278, a translator named Ramon Martin, (or Raymundus Martini) a Spanish monk of the Dominican Order, wrote Pugio Fidei.
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