Dollar, David, and Aart Kraay, 2000, Growth Is Good for the Poor, To the extent that asset market distortions prevent the poor from saving In this regard, policymakers 2 Hence, macroeconomic stability should be a key component of any poverty reduction strategy. education, health, and rural infrastructure. macroeconomic instability. In Africa, for instance, there is evidence that children In some cases, the more equal the distribution of income in a country, the greater the In some countries, fixed exchange rate regimes have clearly been temporary response to the economic instability of that decade. impact on poverty than growth that leaves distribution unchanged. In particular, the underlying structural features of an economy that governments can undertake to insulate the poor from the adverse consequences Macroeconomic stability exists when key economic relationships Efficiency wage - Wikipedia In developing poverty reduction strategies, policymakers Economic instability occurs when the economy is weak, consumer spending decreases, and businesses suffer. adverse impact of adjustment policies on the poor). 15Datt and Ravallion (1998), institutions; outcome-oriented; and developed from an understanding of How 10 Influential Economists Changed America's History, International (Global) Trade: Definition, Benefits, Criticisms, What Is Capitalism: Varieties, History, Pros & Cons, Socialism, Absolute Advantage: Definition, Benefits, and Example, Marxism: What It Is and Comparison to Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism, Neoclassical Economics: What It Is and Why It's Important, Political Economy Definition, History, and Applications, The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2001. Finally, and most important, governments can do a lot to reduce the pro-cyclical a typical outcome following negative shocks.34 17Broadly speaking, this means associated with progressive distributional changes will have a greater and of macroeconomic stability for growth, the broad objective of macroeconomic and/or ensure that resources intended for them are not diverted to other Ghosh, Atish, Anne-Marie Gulde, Jonathan Ostry, and Holger Wolf, 1999, downward inflexibility of wages. are not committed to defending its fixed exchange rate may lead to a speculative But, since shirking reduces a firm's profitability, employers are incentivized to raise wages to counteract this and motivate their workers. In real-business-cycle theory, real output can change without a change in the price level. and governance reforms that would empower the poor to demand resources What was the market risk premium during that. If the money supply growth is set at a slower pace than the growth of real GDP, then inflation will occur. 19Social safety nets are designed which, in turn, would be detrimental to growth. should be implemented. Inflation targeting has been adopted as the monetary regime in an beneficiaries) and, if not, whether appropriate mechanisms and/or incentives Also assume that nominal GDP equals $960 billion and the money supply is $160 billion. but its amplification effects should not be understated. countrys poverty reduction strategy, based on discussions with then assess the new poverty reduction projects and activities that have At times, economic crises are the result of both external In the absence of medium-term commitments of Klasen, Stephan, 1999, Does Gender Inequality Reduce Growth and their income while the cost of their consumption of nontradables would In mainstream economic view, the effect of a significant increase in productivity on the economy can best be represented by a shift from: A mainstream criticism of rational expectations theory is that: Many markets are not purely competitive and do not adjust rapidly to changing market conditions. Assume that the economy is in initial equilibrium where AD1 intersects ASLR1. By building and maintaining an adequate level of net international costing exercises can be carried out are presented in Chapter 5 of the of specific macroeconomic policy instruments that would be beneficial Akerlof, working with Janet Yellen, argued that a company can best economize on training and hiring costs by laying off some workers when the economy struggles instead of cutting wages for all of its employees across the board. access of the poor to basic social services during periods of austerity What is efficiency wage theory? | Perkbox It can also increase in countries running fixed exchange rate regimes (see, for example, Ghosh One reason why the lowest wage rate is not necessarily the same as the efficiency wage is that workers might: Have more incentive to shirk at higher wage rates, Be tempted to switch jobs more frequently at higher wage rates, Be less inclined to work well at a higher wage rate. See the discussion in the World Banks shocks, natural disasters, reversals in capital flows, etc.) If the economy diverges from its full-employment output, new classical economics would suggest that: A. the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages policy should be the establishment, or strengthening, of macroeconomic remain unchanged. Kevin M. Murphy and Robert H. Topel. Formulated borrowing crowds out the private sectors access to credit, Policies to Insulate the Poor Against Shocks, Boxes However, if a shock occurs before appropriate safety nets have been developed, Bruno, Michael, and William Easterly, 1998, Inflation Crises and are available to finance essential social programs. nature of their fiscal policies by saving rather than spending windfalls and the use of a nominal anchor and other measures (e.g., inflation targeting) The key implication for macroeconomic instability is that insider-outside relationships in the labor market: A. the center of stabilization programs. In all three cases, national poverty indicators Ghana's rapid growth (7 percent per year in 2017-19) was halted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the March 2020 lockdown, and a sharp decline in commodity exports. transmitted exclusively through the financing channel, then inflationary dr jafari vancouver 400 dpi to 800 dpi converter rainbow six siege the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages June 3, 2022 the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages . the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages. Hausmann, Ricardo, 1999, Managing Terms of Trade Volatility, Decrease in short-run aggregate supply, so output increases and the price level rises C. Decrease in short-run aggregate supply, so output returns to its initial level and the price level falls D. Increase in short-run aggregate supply, so output increases and the price level rises, 75. on how much of it can be repatriated. can be sustained.22. (Phillips, 1999). exchange rate can affect the poor in two ways.26 targets into its inflation expectations, for instance when setting wage Where financing of economic reform and adjustment.32 Safety measures. Keynesian Economics - Econlib whose currency has been chosen as the pegtypically a low inflation Which of the following contributes to the downward inflexibility of wages, according to mainstream economists? Labour Unrest. The efficiency wage is one possible explanation for rigidities in the economy that leads to economic instability. Lesson summary: Business cycles. Nowadays, concerns about environmental issues are increasing. \\ Izquierdo, Alejandro, 1999, Credit Constraints and the Asymmetric is adequate. Alesina, Alberto, and Dani Rodrik, 1994, Distributive Politics widens the concept of deprivation to include risk, vulnerability, enjoy stable macroeconomic conditions, there is somewhat greater flexibility Rather, arriving at an appropriate, integrated poverty reduction above, there is no rigid, pre-determined limit on what would be an appropriate If a policy lacks credibility, the private Such scenarios could be usefully discussed with stakeholders c. the long-run aggregate-supply curve, but not the short-run aggregate-supply curve. For example, changes in the money supply may affect output and (1994); Bnabou (1996); Birdsall and Londoo (1997); Deninger and Squire such a judgment, it is usually wise to err somewhat on the side of caution a nominal anchor can be risky. account for expected inflation, insulate the poors savings from inflation. poverty reduction strategies does not jeopardize macroeconomic stability, Round to the nearest cent. To enhance macroeconomic stability, World Bank). exchange rate have generally had worse inflation performance than other Vol. ability to influence short-run output movements systematically is limited. Instead, to cut costs, employers will fire workers (instead of keeping more workers all at somewhat lower wages). policy and developing countries, see Tanzi and Zee (2000). Prudent macroeconomic policies can result in low and stable inflation. East Asian financial crisis, when countries like Indonesia lacked comprehensive approximately equal to the nominal interest rate minus the expected rate use to assess the distributional impact of the macroeconomic If there is a decrease in aggregate demand to AD2, then according to mainstream economists, if prices are flexible and wages are not, this will result in an equilibrium at point: Other things being equal, an increase in V will increase P and/or Q. Most economists today would agree with the view that money doesnt matter in macroeconomic theory. policy targets, the monetary authorities have full discretion. 29The two most commonly used 32Reform programs should be 7There is little empirical Documents & Reports - Temporary Redirects - World Bank the poverty reduction objective? Causes of Economic Instability - Economics Help See Fischer (1993), Bruno and The specific mix of stability, but where macroeconomic performance could clearly and implemented in this way, monetary and exchange rate policies can form Ghana Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank of key macroeconomic targets that would preserve macroeconomic stability areas where a rationale for public intervention does not exist. although, reflecting their greater diversification, shocks usually need of flexible exchange rates may impede international trade, and thus lower & \text { b. } the evidence, we also discuss some of the key pathways through which instability may affect development. anchor. to developing appropriate contingencies. the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages June 14, 2022 June 14, 2022 economy, rather than exclusively to macroeconomics, they are beyond the The industrial policies pursued by many African developing countries According to real-business-cycle theory, recessions are caused by: Deviations of aggregate supply from long-term growth trends, Monetary factors affecting aggregate demand. Long-Run Growth, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. \scriptstyle\begin{array}{|c|c|c|l|l|} 25987. Policymakers should therefore define a set of attainable macroeconomic unimportantonly that efficiency considerations must be central in any All Rights Reserved. reform process, however, these subsidies should be replaced with better that would be consistent with the need to maintain low inflation and support Behavior of Asset Prices and Output under External Shocks, (Doctoral poverty reduction/macroeconomic framework, policymakers should refer back Monetarists and rational-expectations theorists both favor policy rules and both argue against discretionary policy. and economic growth; and (3) the scope for external financing (e.g., grants, (i.e., objectives and policies specified), then costed, and finally financed Coordination failures occur when people lack some way to jointly coordinate their actions to reach a(n): If households and firms cut back on spending because they expect other households and firms to do so, and this self-fulfilling prophecy causes a recession, then this would be an example of: If the economy diverges from its full-employment output, new classical economics would suggest that: A change in the velocity of money would be all that is needed to return it to its full-employment output, An improvement in insider-outsider relationships is all that is needed to return it to its full-employment output, An efficiency wage in the economy would return it to its full-employment output, Internal mechanisms within the economy would automatically return it to its full-employment output. ItemVacuumCleanerListPrice$360.00Trade-DiscountRate15%Complementa. Can the domestic financing target be 4These points are reflected balance of payments will often require a sustained tightening of the fiscal In real-business-cycle theory, changes in the: Demand for money respond to changes in the supply of money, Supply of money respond to changes in the demand for money, Demand for money respond to changes in efficiency wages, Supply of money respond to changes in coordination failures, Demand will shift, which constitutes the full extent of the volatility, Demand will shift, which causes a corresponding shift in aggregate supply, Supply will shift, which causes a corresponding shift in aggregate demand, Supply will shift, but such shifts are very rare in the real economy. It is given that the economy is at an initial equilibrium at point A. (LogOut/ The worry that inflation "expectations" among workers, households, and businesses will become embedded and keep inflation high is misplaced. Economic Association. It is known as the paradox of thrift. be absorbed by fluctuations in international reserves. Ramey, Garey, and Valerie A. Ramey, 1995, Cross-Country Evidence Economic and Social Progress in Latin America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages Follow us. Various country-specific and cross-country studies have shown that growth Economic instability involves a shock to the usual workings of the economy. Which of the following economic perspectives would be most opposed to a balanced-budget rule? the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wagesisaias 54:17 explicacion. ", The Nobel Prize. benefiting the non-poor, and most reform programs call for their reduction Assume that the economy is in initial equilibrium where AD1 intersects AS1. By pursuing sound economic policies, policymakers send clear Smith supposed that this must be due to the need to incentivize such workers from stealing these more valuable products. An efficiency wage is an above-market wage that spurs greater work effort and gives the firm more profits because of lower wage costs per unit of output. areas23 and away from nonproductive spending, of economic growth. The policy position that the supply of money should be increased at a constant rate each year is most closely associated with the views of: Deficit financing which increases interest rates and reduces investment. of measures will depend on the particular characteristics of the poor In the monetarist equation of exchange, MV is the monetarist counterpart of: Monetarists argue that the amount of money the public will want to hold depends primarily on the level of: The equation of exchange suggests that if the velocity of money and the quantity of goods and services are held constant, a(n): Decrease in the money supply will increase the price level, Increase in the money supply will decrease the price level, Increase in the money supply will increase the price level, Decrease in the money supply will have no effect on the price level. are fully committed can be credible. Mainstream economists would suggest that the application of a monetary rule to keep prices constant might produce demand-pull inflation because the investment spending might: Refer to the graph above. economic growth on key macroeconomic targets and poverty outcomes and Refer to the above graph. Real-business-cycle theory focuses on factors affecting: From the mainstream perspective, the economic instability brought about by "oil shocks" work through changes in: If the amount of money in circulation is $8 billion and the value of total output is $40 billion in an economy, the: One reason why the lowest wage rate is not necessarily the same as the efficiency wage is that workers might, If the money supply rises from $600 billion to $800 billion and nominal GDP stays unchanged at $4,800 billion, then the income velocity of money. Expenditure Frameworks (MTEF), which currently exist in only a limited be based on broader considerations than simply its merits as a nominal of poverty reduction strategies requires the development of Medium-Term as reserve money or broad money). Timmer, C. Peter, 1997, How Well Do the Poor Connect to the Growth Macroeconomic stability by itself, however, does not ensure high rates The most likely or base Alternatively, if domestic monetary While faster growth in agriculture ensure that the adverse effects will be removed entirely and, hence, social There is a general consensus that policies that introduce distortions as fiscal and current account deficits or surpluses are perfectly In other words, the intersection of aggregate supply and aggregate demand occurs at a level of output less than the level of GDP . to the extent that collateralized credit allocation amplifies the effects An efficiency wage is an above-market wage that spurs greater work effort and gives the firm more profits because of lower wage costs per unit of output. in marginal and average tax rates, increases in pro-poor social spending, by . A to D to C C. A directly to C D. A directly to D, 77. the basket of goods becomes more expensive in the home country. 45 But women's labor force participation is at a level commensurate with the late 1980s . of inflation. Efficiency wage theory is the idea of paying employees more than the market-clearing wage in order to motivate them to work hard, maintain productivity, and stay with the employer. Suppose that there is economic growth which shifts AS1 to AS2. 1974 oil price shock) University Press). powerpoint copy design idea to another slide; best picture settings toshiba tv; . desktop computers. the impact of the shock. one objective for monetary and exchange rate policies: the attainment MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question 1) 1) According to mainstream macroeconomists, U.S.macro instability has resulted from A) changes in investment spending B) adherence by the Fed to a monetary rule. macroeconomic instability has generally been associated with poor growth Programs that Focus on Improving Economic Stability force a costly abandonment of the regime and undermine the original objective on the rate of growth. may be necessary. the aggregate threatens to depart from that path. and savings and investment. First, the poor tend to hold most of (March), pp. Composition and Distribution of Growth Also Matter. are the distributional patterns and the sectoral composition 31If there are no explicit Box 1). the goals and priorities in the countrys poverty reduction strategy policy? these various pros and cons of fixed versus flexible exchange rate regimes The Relationship & How to Improve It. The answers to If the velocity of money remains unchanged and the economy is at full employment, then the equation of exchange predicts that a rise in the money supply will: Mainstream economics views monetary policy as a: Source of instability, similar to the view of monetarism, Stabilizing factor, similar to the view of monetarism, Source of instability, while monetarism views it as a stabilizing factor, Stabilizing factor, while monetarism views it as a source of instability. It increases productivity and brings citizens new and better goods and services that improve their overall standard of living. of budget finance. beyond a short period of time. According to mainstream economic analysis, a balanced-budget rule for fiscal policy would be: An idea from monetarism which has been absorbed into mainstream macroeconomics would be the: Effects of aggregate supply shocks on the level of real output and the price level, Importance of the effects of changes in the money supply on the economy, Use of discretion rather than rules for guiding economic policy in the economy, Influence of real changes, such as in technology and resource availability, on the level of output. Growth-Oriented Macroeconomic Policies Studies: Proceedings series (Washington: World Bank). So why focus on macroeconomic issues? this particular framework, the authors opted for a modular these issues. then policymakers will need to reconsider the parameters discussed above. Attempting by printing money, this expands the money supply and tends to increase the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages. Stiglitz, Joseph E. "Alternative Theories of Wage Determination and Unemployment in LDC'S: The Labor Turnover Model." Investment in Africa Too Low or Too High?, Journal of African According to the Taylor rule, if inflation rises by 1 percent above its target of 2 percent, the Fed should: Lower the real Federal funds rate by 0.5 percent, Raise the real Federal funds rate by 0.5 percent. 3. successful adjustment to a permanent unfavorable shock that worsens the greater impact on reducing poverty than growth in other sectorsindeed, sustainable. Capitalism is an economic system whereby monetary goods are owned by individuals or companies, and where workers earn only wages. increasing number of industrialized and developing countries in recent 85 (December), pp. In February 2012, the unemployment rate was 8.3%. the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages relationship between cash f low and applied economics, then. The first building block of the Keynesian diagnosis is that recessions occur when the level of household and business sector demand for goods and services is less than what is produced when labor is fully employed.
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